Ballet Better Covid Policy

We will follow guidelines outlined by GOV UK and currently there is no social distancing measures or restrictions relating to the number of attendees. 

To ensure all attendees are assured a safe environment we ask you adhere
to guidance below...

  • If you are feeling un-well, have a temperature, cough or Covid symptoms please stay at home, rest and get better before attending a ballet class. 

  • Take a lateral flow test to confirm that you are clear before attending.

  • Upon arrival use the sanitising gel and be courteous of others that may prefer to maintain more personal space. 

  • Ballet Better venues provide at least 2m for each person with ample ventilation and sole use of toilets and facilities.

  • If there are any changes in the future we can easily adapt to ensure the safety and enjoyment of all attendees.

  • Your co-operation is greatly appreciated in this matter.